Fearless & Radiant

Embody your Fearless Authenticity & Raise your Self-worth.

With FEARLESS & RADIANT you will start relating to yourself in a whole new way, increasing self-esteem and personal magnetism. Get the direct experience, applicable knowledge, and the support you need to start living your most authentic, brave & radiant life!

The best form of self-care is being exactly who YOU ARE.

Fearlessly YOU

It takes courage to be ourselves, and it takes vitality to continue to show up for what we believe in. This authenticity is called RADIANCE, which is measured by how much we are connecting to our inner spark, our joy, our soul.

FEARLESS & RADIANT installs a new, empowered narrative around relationships - both your relationship to yourself (your self-esteem, confidence and sense of worth) - as well as your relationship to others, and to circumstances around you.

Say goodbye to people-pleasing and low deservedness. Increase charisma and magnetism, hold yourself in high-esteem and attract the right people and the right opportunities.

Get the confidence to

Shine as your most Radiant, Free and Unapologetic self.

Choose from 1 payment of $545

or 3 instalments of $188

Immediate Access / 100% safe

Imagine if…

  • you could have more confidence to express yourself fully, unapologetically fulfilling your desires and vision.

  • you could enhance your personal magnetism to feel better, while attracting aligned relationships and partnerships.

  • you were living your life in your self-worth, magnetizing opportunities to enhance success and fulfillment.

  • you were able to stop counting yourself last, finally honoring your needs and connecting to your personal desires.

Start Now

Choose from 1 payment of $545

or 3 instalments of $188


How it Works

Daily Practice & Neuroplasticity Tools

FEARLESS & RADIANT helps you install a new, empowered narrative that retrains your mind-body systems to think differently while embodying new behaviors and mindsets that are more aligned with how you wish to experience - and relish - life.

Unlimited on-demand practice

Practice at any time, from the comfort of your home. Our courses are designed to be taken at your own pace, and you can continue practicing with our videos and engaging with the course material from wherever you are, any time.

Direct communication with Roberta

You can ask any questions directly to our founder Roberta through a private channel. There are no intermediaries - your questions are answered directly by Roberta!

Fearless & Radiant Reviews on Instagram

Fearless & Radiant

Raise your self-worth and experience your inner confidence & fearless authenticity.

Choose from 1 payment of $545

or 3 instalments of $188

*Start at any time. Toggle the option (1 payment or 3 payments) and click sign up.


  • Worry not - it's the modern age, after all. One part of your practice should be done daily (the meditation), but even 3 mins of it will do and will already bring incredible transformation. But I strongly recommend you apply your intentional time management skills to engage with the course as much as possible, while keeping up with your schedule. Stay caught up, do your best.

  • Yes, absolutely! I will walk you through it every step of the way. Plus, you can always contact me if you have any questions. This course is designed for anyone who feel called to it, regardless of level of experience, exposure to meditation, yoga, or self-improvement practices. If you’re here reading this, there is a reason that is valid and sufficient for you to at least give it a try and see how much you can benefit from creating time and prioritizing yourself.

  • When you sign up for a course with Roberta you get her 15+ years of experience as a wellness specialist, as well as her background in corporate and law, making all of her courses grounded, intelligent, and relevant for the modern times. This course contains ancient practices that have been around for thousands of years and Roberta chooses the most effective, powerful ones to share with her clients. Thousands of people have practiced with her and experienced the benefits of this work.

    The nature of this type of work is profound - yet it is such that makes it impossible to offer guarantees. Here is why:

    Your results are based on your personal abilities, experience, knowledge, capabilities, level of desire, and an infinite number of variables beyond our controI. Plus, any method in the world only works if you do it.

    However, rest assured we always act in good faith and good will toward the highest outcome. If there is one thing you can trust is that we are all in with you!

  • No, refunds are not offered for this online course.